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09 February, 2018

Tesla Roadster in Space

Tesla Roadster in Space 

Elon Musk proved that he is the man of his word by sending his personal Tesla Roadster to space on Feb 2018. Elon Musk did this through SpaceX or Space Exploration Technologies Corp, the private American aerospace manufacturer and space transport company founded by him. When Elon tweeted about sending a car to space, everyone went crazy and so they did go crazy after seeing Elon did what he said in the past. The Falcon Heavy is the world's most powerful operational rocket ever built. Sure everyone knows about the launch and here I listed some of the facts about Tesla Roadster in space and about the Falcon Heavy. 

Elon Musk planned to shoot the Tesla Roadster to Mars' orbit, but the rocket overshot the trajectory and placed the Roadster in an orbit that extends beyond the Mars' path. Elon's aim is to send people to the Red Planet and to built colonies on Mars. As a test flight, he sent his Tesla Roadster to Mars. His try for sending the Roadster to Mars did break many records in history.

Elon sent his Roadster with a dummy called "Starman". And unfortunately, it looks like Starman did like space and drove the Tesla Roadster in an unplanned path away from the Red Planet's orbit. Elon posted a map describing the change in the path Roadster. It is expected that according to the trajectory of the Roadster, it can come near to the Earth in the year 2021. Either Roadster reaches the Red Planet or comes near to us, Starman is about to remain in the dark.  

  • Elon is the first person to send a car to space. 
  • The Rocket used to send Tesla Roadster is Falcon Heavy, and yes it is the heaviest rocket ever built in human history.

  • Elon planned to reduce the cost of space transportation and he successfully did it in this try.
  • Falcon Heavy has 27 engines and three cores, 9 engines per core.
  • Elon succeeded in his concept of reusing the rockets. He successfully did a test flight about landing the launched rocket in the past. He made a record by successfully landing all the three rockets from the Falcon Heavy.
  • Falcon Heavy is capable of carrying way more weight than a Tesla Roadster. The Falcon Heavy can lift nearly 64 metric tons, which is twice the weight of the next closest operational rocket could lift.
  • It took longer than the actual plan for the flight. It was initially planned to make a flight in 2013 or 2014 and later it got shifted to 2015 and later the launch date is pushed to 2016 and when one of the SpaceX's rocket exploded in test flight in 2016 then it was planned to launch on 2017 and there extends the date for another time and finally Falcon made its successful launch on 6th Feb 2018.


It's not about sending a car to another planet, Elon made history in his every try, congratulating him for his record and let us hope that Starman would reach Mars or else return to Earth safely by not remaining the dark.


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